JRF, Aqaba Governorate Council renew partnership to empower youth, women

For the second year in a row, the Jordan River Foundation (JRF) and the Aqaba Governorate Council (AGC) have signed a collaboration agreement to promote trainings in women's and youth empowerment throughout the southern port city.
Under the foundation's Community Empowerment Program, the agreement signed by AGC Chair Emad Amro and JRF Director General Enaam Barrishi paves the way for interventions aimed at enhancing the capacity of women and youth. These interventions include self-development, entrepreneurship, psycho-social support, financial literacy, and workforce readiness.
Through the partnership, JRF will be able to reach recipients throughout the southern governorate. Through grants and the development of their project management, web marketing, and financial literacy abilities, it seeks to empower women and young people on both a social and economic level.
The project will promote the establishment of enterprises and also provide networking possibilities for product marketing. The project also intends to improve the handicraft abilities of fifty women, so advancing their professional and personal growth.
Additionally, the initiative will provide learning support services and increase the inventive capacities of one thousand male and female students in Aqaba. The project intends to take the knowledge gained from the social innovation lab to isolated villages in the Aqaba region, thereby expanding its influence to underprivileged populations in far-off places.
Activities include giving young people tools for social innovation and entrepreneurship as well as improving their robotics and artificial intelligence skills. The project's goal is to foster a society that honors and reveres innovators and inventors.
The project has funded sixteen women-led business, services, and tourist enterprises in the last year.For 87 women, it offered a variety of training courses in content production, project management, and self-empowerment.
Over 1400 children and teenagers profited from the center's child safety initiatives during the three project-related open days that JRF organized. Furthermore, ten Aqaba-based community volunteers received social innovation training and empowerment, and they went on to mentor over 2100 kids via the center's mobile social innovation station.