Jordan River Foundation (JRF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1995 with a focus on child safety and community empowerment. It has been a major player in Jordan’s social and economic development, bringing forth over 20 years of experience to local community empowerment and child safety. JRF has also been supporting homegrown solutions that engage Jordanians and help them address local challenges. Most importantly, JRF places the wellbeing of children at the center of its development initiatives.
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for sexual Purposes Network (ECPAT)
European Foundation Centre (EFC)
Child Helpline International (CHI) - JRF was elected regional representative for MENA on CHI’s supervisory board during 2008 and 2009, and became the substitute regional representative during 2010.
In 2002, JRF received the International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) Award for being the first foundation in the Arab world to establish a center specialized in the treatment, rehabilitation and protection of victims of abuse and their families known as “Dar Al Aman”.
In 2006, JRF’s Queen Rania Family and Child Center was awarded the Women’s World Summit Foundation (WWSF) first prize, sharing it with the Center for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual Abuse of the Tulir Organization in India. QRFCC was chosen among more than 700 governmental and non-governmental organizations in more than 110 countries around the world.
In 2008, JRF was awarded the Arabian Business Magazine award for Best Development Initiative. The purpose of the award is to honor 13 organizations and one of the most prominent figures in recognition of the Jordanian actors’ achievements Features.
In 2012, JRF received the Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) award in recognition of its outstanding contribution in the field of rural development.
In 2013 the Foundation received Best Practices Award – King Abdullah II for Excellence.
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